Rules & Regulations
- To ensure that assessment methodology is valid, reliable, and does not disadvantage any group or individual learners.
- Ensure that teaching/delivery/assessment staff are timetabled to support blended learning when learners are working remotely.
- Maintain and store securely all assessment and internal verification records in accordance with Pearson Centre Agreement.
- Submit all learning tasks
- Check email and WhatsApp group every day
- Communicate with staff regularly via email and Whatsapp.
- Keep my online chat focused on learning. Ensure the chat is respectful of all participants.
- Complete all learning tasks on a timely basis.
- Log into additional assistance Video Conference sessions if you need help.
- If you have technical issues kindly covey the staff and tell him what you have missed.
- Ensure that learners submit work measures are taken to ensure the work is authentic and has been completed by the learner.
- Ensure the assignments are undertaken and deadlines are clear.
- Ensure there is a process to feedback on assignments, questions are constructively answered, and feedback is provided in a timely manner.