Information Technology (DIT)
This program has been designed to develop skills in acquisition, processing, handling, retrieval and presentation of information . It provides balanced coverage of the various aspects of Computer Science and Information Technology and covers theory & practical experience that will allow the diploma holders to meet the challenges of today’s technology. It acts as a conversion course and is intended for those who want to become computer professionals. The specialization options facilitates the learners to choose their area of interest to further their career.
Course Duration
DIT program is of one year duration comprising of three semesters. Each semester is of 4 Months duration. Student has to opt any two optional specialization semesters.
Examinations shall be held at the end of each semester. Transcript and diplomas shall be awarded to the successful students on the basis of their competency in the each subject.
Semester 1
Computer Fundamentals
- Fundamentals of Computer
- Operating System
- Basic IT (Office 365)
Semester one is compulsory.
Specialization Semester(s)
Students may choose any 2 of the following mentioned below options. Students are also encouraged to enroll in additional specializations by paying additional semester’s fee.
Specialization Option – 1
- HTML, CSS and Javascript
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe DreamViewer
- Project
Specialization Option – 2
Web Development (E-commerce)
- Psd to HTML
- WordPress And Freelancing
- Project
Specialization Option – 3
Mobile Apps Development
- Java
- Android Application Fundamentals
- Android Apps Development
- Project
Specialization Option – 4
- Network Fundamentals
- CCNA (Complete Track)
- Project
Specialization Option – 5
Computer Hardware
- A+ Hardware (Core + OS Module)
- Linux End User
- IT Essential
- Project
Specialization Option – 6
Gaming & Motion Graphics
- 3D Animation by using Max / Maya
- Adobe Aftereffects / Premier
- Visual Effects (VFX)
- Project