Diploma Program in IT Enabled Teacher Training

This program carries responsibilities of providing the budding teacher with a thorough set of skills and knowledge to be able to function effectively in the classroom with the help of IT and latest technological development tools and software. With teacher training expanding globally, the training of trainers is now vital to the success of the individual trainer, the institution offering teacher training course program and the development of professional teachers and enabling them to get the best advantage of IT and technology to make delivery of training more efficient and effective.

Who Should Attend?

Anyone trainer/teacher who wants to adopt IT skills while delivering the lectures can join this course

Course benefits:

  • This course will help learners to develop
  • Critically engage with key theories, concepts, principles and issues in using digital technologies to support teaching and learning
  • Develop effective and reflective practice in leading learning using digital technologies
  • Focus on understanding the potential and use of digital technologies for best impact in teaching and learning


1. Understanding the potential of digital technologies to support learning and teaching

  • Identify the range of locally available digital technologies and how they are used to enhance existing, or allow new, learning activities
  • Within their own school context, and looking at relevant theories, consider how and why these may be used to support specific learning objectives
  • Within their own school context, identify digital technologies and related activities that allow their learners to work efficiently
  • Evaluate appropriate digital technologies to enhance existing ,or allow new, learning activities.

2. Teaching a lesson with aid of IT

  • Plan a lesson that uses one or more digital technologies to support learning
  • Teach the lesson with confidence, using suitable classroom management techniques, and responding appropriately to unexpected events
  • Provide a positive learning experience for all learners in the lesson and monitor the effect of using digital technologies on their learning
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the lesson and the associated digital technologies in supporting learning.

3. Evaluating the use of IT to support teaching and learning

  • Develop their judgment in selecting and using digital technologies
  • Use feedback from a variety of sources to identify strengths and areas for further development in professional practice
  • Apply principles and concepts concerning using digital technologies in reflecting on issues experienced in their own practice
  • Begin to identify and use suitable opportunities for sharing with colleagues their experiences of teaching with digital technologies.

4. Developing reflective practice in teaching with IT

  • Design a sequence of lessons (program plan or scheme of work) that uses one or more digital technologies to support specific learning objectives, and takes advantage of the specific opportunities that digital technologies allow
  • Plan lessons supported by appropriate digital technologies that are inclusive, and offer opportunities for all learners to participate and learn
  • Implement the lessons with confidence, using suitable classroom management techniques, responding appropriately to unexpected events and ensuring a positive learning experience for all learners
  • Show an awareness of a variety of evaluation tools and techniques, and of sources of feedback
  • Reflect on their experiences in order to evaluate and improve their practice with digital technologies so that learners learn more effectively
  • Use appropriate techniques and tools, to evaluate the effectiveness of the lessons, and the associated digital technologies in supporting learning