To assist organizations in developing a Robust Performance Based Reward System – purely based on merit, thereby enabling them to conduct frequent comprehensive assessments of individuals to closely monitor their personal/professional growth.
To fully equip learners with confidence, knowledge, and skill, in order to meet the challenging needs of constantly changing environment and learn to be adaptive and innovative for personal/ organizational development.
To provide comprehensive opportunities to the learners for educational/ professional development and personality building through supportive learning environment and a commitment to be the creation of ideas and transmission of knowledge, ascending through competency & knowledge based testing system.
To assist organizations in hiring and promoting individuals purely based on fair and transparent assessment, thereby, providing right person for the right job at the right place and at the right time.
To identify gaps through consistent research and development activities, and to address them effectively and efficiently, thereby, making DLP 360 a highly adaptive to change and a fast pace learning organization.
To acknowledge individual’s achievements through professional certification based on transparent testing.
To facilitate organization in achieving international standards in their every department and sustain excellence.
To assist individuals in achieving educational and professional excellence.
To prepare students for career and life-long learning by providing them frequent testing opportunities and to keep track record of their learning patterns.
To invest in the professional development of all member of DLP 360, in the appropriate technologies, necessary to achieve excellence in learning, training, teaching, testing, designing and developing top quality assessments.
To assist organizations in order to develop and sustain a team of highly motivated, dedicated members: to nourish an effective, efficient, and result-oriented organizational culture.
To establish priorities through planning and assessment processes, that anticipates DLP 360 to focus its efforts and resources in support of its determined vision, mission, and goals.